Baton Rouge Chorus

Jan Daly
Gloria Jones
Bette Theis

Forever Divas - 2019


Awarded to Jan Daly, Gloria Jones, Bette Theis

The Baton Rouge Chorus is blessed to have three members who have been active for 30+ years. Jan Daly, Bette Theis, and Gloria Jones haven't just accumulated time on the risers each of them has contributed to the chorus' well-being as Team Members, Committee Chairs and beyond the chorus to the Regional level.  

It is thanks to them, and others like them that we have a vibrant organization that feeds our desire to sing, learn, and perform.

You are our Forever Divas and we a grateful for all you have done to make our chorus so special.

Terry Windom

Sweet Adeline Extraordinaire


Awarded to Terry Windom

There is always someone who goes above the call of duty to support and uplift the chorus.  That person is our Sweet Adeline Extraordinaire. In 2018, Terry Windom became the fifth person to receive the award.